Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Winnie the Pooh puzzle

Finally!!! The long awaited mosaic Winnie the Pooh puzzle is done!!! I am so happy to finish this project after 8 long years (of course I didn't work on it everyday haha). I first got this around first year undergrad during Christmas at those seasonal booths for about $20.  Worked on it a bit the first year whenever I am taking a break from studying for finals.  I guess the two times I actually worked on it was during the December finals and the April finals.  Then this Christmas comes. The first Christmas I haven't spend with anybody at all.  Declined friends' invitation to New Year's Eve parties. Listened to the new Taylor Swift Red album (on repeat) and completed this project.  Although it sounds a bit anti social but at the end of it I felt very 'therapeutic' - a time to reflect on my goals, dreams, and believes... Reflect on shortcomings and how to be a better person.  I think it's actually quote suiting for the new year! Happy New Year!

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