Saturday, January 26, 2013

Green Tea and White Chocolate Ganache Macaron

Green Tea Macaron with Nutella Filling

Green Tea and White Chocolate Ganache Macarons


400g Fresh Cream (33% Heavy Cream)
400g Baker's white chocolate
150g unsalted butter
20g matcha powder (Ten Ren's from Haley)


Ingredients Part 1
600g sifted Tant Pour Tant (300g almond meal with 300g icing sugar)
10g matcha powder
120g aged egg whites (about 3 large eggs)

Ingredients Part 2
300g granulated sugar
75g water
120g aged egg whites (about 3 large eggs)

***Age your egg whites: 12-24hr prior to making macarons, separate your egg whites from egg yolks and store in the fridge.  Bring the egg whites to room temperature before starting to make macarons***


[[failed this part - make the filling after the shells and the filling was too runny]]

1. Chop 400g of white chocolate to a very fine (grated) consistency.

2. Chop 150g of unsalted butter into small cubes.

3. Start heating 400g of heavy cream on medium-high heat.  When cream starts to boil, remove from heat.

4. Pour ¾ of the boiled cream into the grated chocolate and let sit for a few minutes to melt the chocolate. Mix with a spatula in a slow circular motion taking care not to incorporate any air.

5. Once you have a shiny and homogenous mixture, pour the remaining cream over the chocolate and repeat the mixing process. Check the temperature of the chocolate (not more than 55°C).

6. Add the butter piece by piece and mix until the butter has completely absorbed into the chocolate.

7. Cover your ganache with clingfilm and leave in the fridge to set.


1. Sift 10g of matcha powder with 300g of almond meal and 300g of icing sugar together to remove clumps.

2. Make a hole with the TPT dry ingredients and add 120g of aged egg whites, mixing vigorously until you have a smooth paste.  

[[didn't mix until it become a paste, so there's a lot of dry ingredients around when meringue is folding with the mixture]]

3. Add 300g of granulated sugar, 75g of water to a saucepan and melt the sugar on medium-high heat, stirring occassionally.

4. Place the aged room temperature 120g egg whites in a Kitchen Aid mixer with the whisk attachment.

5. Once the sugar has reached 115°C, start whipping your egg whites at medium speed (speed 4) until they reach ‘soft peak’ consistency.

6. When the sugar reaches 118°C, remove from the stove and pour slowly on the still mixing egg whites.

7. Turn the speed to maximum (speed 10) for around 2 min and return to medium (speed 4) for another 2 min and then let the meringue cool to around 50°C while mixing slowly until reaches a stiff peak.

8. Using a spatula, fold the Italian meringue into the TPT/egg white paste. Work the mix gently from the sides to the middle until you reach a homogenous, shiny texture.

[[the mixture was too thick! because there's a lot of dry ingredients around the bowl or there's not enough meringues?]] 

The mixture is too thick... it was difficult to pipe and the mixture didn't incorporate back to itself


1. Preheat oven to 350oF.  Place the size template (1.3inch diameter circles spaced 1 inch apart) on the baking sheet and cover with parchment paper.

[[the size template is a bit too small and too close together... 1.5 inch diameter circle space 1.5 inch apart is better]]

2. Using a plastic piping bag with a plain 1-inch tip, pipe the shells onto a baking sheet according to the size template.
You should stop piping before the mix reaches the outside edge of the template.

3. Tap the tray gently on the side of the bench until the macaron reaches the size of the template.

4. Remove the template from beneath your baking sheet.
Leave the macarons outside at room temperature for 15 min or until they have formed a skin and are dry to touch.

5. Bake the macarons at 350oF for 9-15 minutes.
Once baked, slide the paper off the tray and let the shells cool (preferably on a wire rack)

Because the mixture is too thick, the macarons have peaks on the shells... the top is not smooth... but feet has formed!


1. Pull the shells from the paper gently and turn them upside down.

2. Pair your macaron shells according to size and lay them out on your bench.

[[ filled with nutella instead =) ]]

3. Put your green tea ganache into a piping bag.

4. Fill one half of your paired macaron shells filling them generously but keeping a space of approximately 3mm from the edge of the shell.

5. Pick up the macaron filled with ganache in one hand and the empty pair in the other and close the macaron by gently twisting the two shells together from left to right.
Remember to let the filling spread regularly all the way to the edge of the shells.


1. Put the finished macarons on a tray and leave them in the fridge for at least 24 hours.  Prior to serving, let the macarons return to room temperature.

Adapted from Honey and Soy


1.  Need to make the TPT-egg whites mixture a paste before incorporating the Italian meringue.  The final paste is too thick for piping... Need more meringue?

2.  Need to make the filling before the macaron shells to allow enough time for the filling to cool and thickens for piping.

3.  Despite the macaron shells doesn't look appealing, the green tea flavour is amazing! And the macaron shells are chewy and delicious.  So I don't think it is a failure =)

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