Monday, March 14, 2011


This is my first pot of plant I bought from a grocery store. I remembered when I was a child to teenage years, I used to follow my mom to the garden section in grocery stores, Home Depot, or Canadian Tire to look at all the wonderfully blooming pots and plants. She used to buy a few, usually pink and purple orchids, to bring home and grow. Orchids, although I love them too, they are VERY difficult to keep it blooming every spring/summer. We would follow all the instructions with how much water and how much sunlight the plant needs, and the poor pots of orchid have not bloom a second time.

This time as I was grocery shopping with my BF, I spotted this lovely pinkish purple tulip in a pot. It is relatively small, approximately 8 inches tall. There's three stems to each pot. And I picked the pot with one blooming bud to make sure I have a purple tulip one. After 30 minutes in the sunlight and some water, the closed bud opened up a bit. The sunlight made the color of this tulip pop so nicely against its leaves. I just have to take this macro picture. The light created amazing shadows and a great warm feeling. I hope the remaining stems will grow nicely toooo. We shall see. I will definately post more pictures when the rest of the pot bloom.

I can't help but imagine how the Victoria Butchart Garden would look right now fields and fields filled with spring tulips...

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