Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Finally the days are getting longer. Even when it is still -20 to -30 weather here in this north north city, with the sun being out longer it really does make it seem hopeful. This morning I saw the prettiest sunrise. The sun was glowing in red, just a little too bright to look straight into, but so attractively in crimson that makes you want to stare and stare. What about the rest of the sky? In shades of yellow and reds. Sunrise gives a magical feeling... something sweet and hopeful yet it is always too short to enjoy it fully. Maybe that's what makes it precious.

I hope spring comes sooner. I feel tired and very dreadful of the long dark and cold winter days. With the amount of snow and lengthy -30 days, I am ready to proclaim "I have had enough!!". And with that I hope spring will bring back my passion in my studies and work. I'm starting to feel that January-March is my deepest depression months. Never motivated enough to do everything, always lazy in bed... if I am an animal, I'd have to be a bear that loves hibernation. But because I am not a bear and I can't hibernate, this drags me on and on until winter finally ends...

Oh by the way, this is a blog of inner thoughts... so I don't want to care about grammar or too much on spelling. Whatever comes to mind I will write...

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