Monday, May 21, 2012

Resto La Banquise

Resto La Banquise
994 Rue Rachel Est
Montréal, Québec H2J 2J3

We came to La Banquise for a quick lunch before heading out of Montreal.  La Banquise is a hip little restaurant with lots of cool Montreal beer bottles as decoration.  If it wasn't for lunch, we would've order some beer to go with our poutine.  First off we were having some high expectations of Montreal poutine, but La Banquise was not disappointing at all!  For previous experience with poutine, I was found the dish too salty with fries and gravy and topped with bacon and sausages.  But here their poutine was not overly salty at all, and you can taste the individual components very well.  Their cheese is the authentic cheese, and it doesn't make the weird squeaky noise!  Overall I love the place and there are many options to choose from. Will come back =)

 La Petite vie (small $7.90) corn, steak, and onions

La Matty (small $7.90) bacon, green pepper, onions, mushroom

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