Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cantonese Egg Tart 港式蛋撻

Cantonese Egg Tart 港式蛋撻

Prep: 12 tarts

Egg Filling:
Water 200mL
Brown Sugar Pieces ~half a piece or ~75g
Egg 3 eggs
Evaporated Milk 80mL
Vanilla Extract 3 drops

Tart Shells:
12 tart shells from Tenderflake

1. Boil water and melt the rock sugar completely. Let stand to cool.
2. Beat the eggs thoroughly and add evaporated milk and vanilla extract.
3. When the sugary water is cool add it to the egg mixture.
4. Sift to remove clumps. And use the liquid for the egg filling.
5. Thaw the frozen tart shells 10-15 minutes. Preheat oven to 190oC (375F).
6. Spread the tart shells evenly on a cookie sheet. And add the egg filling to the tart shells to about 70% full.
7. Bake at 190oC (375F) for 15-20minutes or until cooked (check with a wooden toothpick).
8. Cool and serve.

1. Place the cookie sheet closer to the bottom of the oven such that the egg filling can be cooked without being burn
2. To prevent cracking of the egg mixture, when the egg filling starts to rise up, open the oven door slightly and continue baking until the mixture is cooked thoroughly.

Modified from:
Christine and Irene Chan Wai

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